North by Northwest School Technology Group
Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota
Hey Everyone,
I don't know if anyone else is experiencing some frustration with dealing with their compensation level at their district, but it seems like no one really knows what a tech coordinator position should be classified as and what is a comparable compensation level should be. I am wondering what others would think about answering a anonymous survey that would dive into compensation levels, # of contract days, number of tech positions in the district, number of students, number of computers, responsibilities, etc. I would think that some data from other areas would help me and possibly others in similar positions. I would create the survey and send the link though the ning. Once the results were in I would share them with everyone. I would do my best to give ranges for answers so as to help keep things from be able to be identified to a particular district. Let me know what you guys think.
Hi Keith:
I think a survey is an excellent idea. I know TIES used to collect data like this as well. I have a Survey Monkey account, so if you don't have access to a a survey tool, I'd be happy to put in there and then give a link where you could all see the results.
CoSN also has an initiative on the Framework of Essential Skills for K-12 CTOs that might be useful to generate ideas and questions.
Let me know if I can help.
Mary Mehsikomer
I'd definitely like to see a survey. How about everyone put a question in here and someone can throw together the survey. I like the idea of the anonymous survey. Keeps it nice and neutral.
I'd like to see how many "connected" devices everyone has. This would be a device that connects to a network via a wired or wireless connection (laptop or ipad-type device) and also includes projectors. My two cents.
I will lead it up! I have a bank of questions ready already. If there is anything specific that anyone wants to make sure is asked, post them here and I will make sure they are on the survey.
Seth Tramm said:
Let's do this! Who's in charge?
I'm in as long as it is done for the right reason and professionally.
Sometimes knowledge can cause discontentment, so be careful and remember we do have jobs while others are out of work.
After talking with Keith at our service coop technology meeting I do believe he will do a great job with this survey.
I hope you'll all join in when the survey is ready.
So lets do it!
Keith is it done yet:)
I believe there's one detail that I hope is taken under consideration when drafting this survey:
Some of us are part-time tech coordinators, part-time teachers. If I were to put down in a survey *only* what I make as a tech coordinator, it would come in much lower than average, as I do not do it full time. To compare salaries, I think either the salary needs to be pro-rated for part-time techs, or instead tally part-time salaries in a different manner.
The Northwest Tech Group has just posted a survey. Here's the info from Keith Nelson at Warroad (he is running the survey):
I have done my best to make this anonymous. I will keep the survey open this week and then provide the results to the group. I will be providing the raw data to the group so that each of you can determine what information is important to you in your situation.
The survey is found at
Thanks for you help
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