North by Northwest School Technology Group

Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota

I have a few objects here at Laporte that someone might be able to find a home for...I don't want to dump them if someone might find some use for them.

Item #1:
X-Serve, 1U Rackmount, built in 2003, 1.4 GHz G4, 60GB SATA drive, 1GB RAM, OSX 10.4 Server.

Item #2:
Nobilis Server, Tower, built in 2003, dual 1.4 GHz Pentium III, 5x36GB SCSI RAID-5 disk array (w/ extra loose 36GB spare drive), 1 GB RAM, Educational Win2K Server license.

The X-Serve was bought back when the district thought it might be moving to an all-Mac school. When we didn't, the server has sat unused for five years. The Nobilis server has been our trusty Windows DC and file server, and is currently in need of a replacement processor. I'd be happy to fix it up for anyone who might be able to find a good home for it.

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Say, Jon, I haven't heard from you for a while in regards to the XServe. Are you still interested in it, after all the talk you've seen about what's wrong with it?

Even if I can't determine how to get it working 100%, would it still be worth something to you for parts? Please let me know.
You might want to check with St. Michael's school in Mahnomen. I know they are looking for equipment, but I don't know what.
I've been able to get the disk to boot in bays 2, 3, and 4, but never 1. If I unplug the power cord from the XServe, then plug it back in, the boot disk is lost and I get a Finder Not Found (alternate finder icon & question mark blinking on a gray screen) error. The only way to get the XServe to find the boot disk again is to unplug the XServe, punch the reset PRM button, then power the XServe back on.

Even after that, sometimes I get a quick flash of the white screen & Apple logo at boot before the screen goes black. The hard disk never gets busy. Verbose mode tells me it's forever waiting for the root device. Then I would go into single-user mode, fscked the drive, mounted it, and then shutdown & rebooted, and then it got back booting normally.

I don't know Apple enough to pinpoint where the error is. However, if you'd be willing to volunteer a decommissioned XServe to test parts with, I'd be happy to give it a whirl. But, I only really want to keep working on this beast if there's still someone out there who would have a use for it.

For Seth: Is your decommissioned server still working 100%? If not, what failed?
For Jon: Are you still interested in the server?

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