North by Northwest School Technology Group

Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota

For those of you who have done a migration to Google Apps and are using it for student mail.  How have you setup the domains for student email?  Did you create a separate Google Apps Acct for the students?  How are you handling student email in and out of district.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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I have done a e-mail move over to google apps for the Parkers Prairie school district. The students do not get e-mail but the staff do within 1 domain. This was possible when google apps added organizational units. I place all staff in one ou, I then can turn services (email, calendar, etc) on or off for that OU. I then put the students in another and do the same.

I think if you wanted to limit student e-mails to certain places, you would have to make all your students usernames somewhat the same. You then could create a rule in postini saying these certain usernames can do this and this.
Another thought. Couldn't you set up a different domain for the student emails, like Then you could limit where that domain and send and receive email from/to...

Just a thought.

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