North by Northwest School Technology Group

Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota

Has anyone used the new TestNav on a Mac running Snow Leopard?  Any new issues?
I am trying to decide whether to update my lab now, before the State testing ... or wait until after.  

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Here's what I've heard (I don't have mac's). Most people have had good luck. A few have needed to reinstall the proctor cache after upgrading. Also, if you need to do the upgrade before you can conduct any GRAD retests.

Good Luck.
I can trust Pearson to change something the day before we test. They can also be depended on to send another update to reinstall TestNav the day after I finish updating my labs..... (frown)

I may have another problem .... My proctor caching machine is running 10.5 and so will my main testing lab ... but, I also have "special ed" workstations in other locations that will be used for testing using 10.4. I am hoping it will not be a problem (I have not tried, yet) ... anyone out there running testnav successfully with both with a combination of both 10.4 and 10.5?

Seth Tramm said:
My experience with all major OS releases is to wait. I have conducted some GRAD tests here in Bagley on Snow Leopard - Brian is right, proctor caching software needed to be reinstalled, but once that was done, it worked fine. TestNav 6.9 is required now, as I am sure you know, but the snow leopard you can do without for a few more months. Pearson brags about full compatibility for Snow Leopard with v.6.9, so you should be safe if you choose to do the upgrade, but based on experience, I trust them about as far as I can throw them...and that's not far! So, the bottom line you trust Pearson?

Good luck!
I did run into some issues with the proctor caching on a 10.6 server. I ended up just running the proctor caching part on a 10.5 machine. I do have the students accessing the TestNav application from a 10.6 server. The client computers are running 10.5. I worked with the tech support on the proctor caching issue and they just told me to put it on a 10.5 machine.

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