North by Northwest School Technology Group

Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota

I haven't thought about this for many months now (since the bridge plan was done) and realized that I should probably be working on the new technology plan.  Can someone please refresh my memory as to what is expected and when it is due....I'm having a brain lapse on this topic.

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Hi Valerie!


For the new three-year technology plan, what I recommend is updating your 2008-2011 plan. MDE then has a template they want you to fill out that addresses what is in your technology plan and to provide a link to your full plan. You can find the template at


If you have any questions or if I can help at all Valerie, please feel free to get in touch.


Mary Mehsikomer

(651) 999-6510


I know this is old, but just ran across this.

Tuesday the 21st is a whole day planned on writing your tech plan.  Please try and join us.  We would love to have you with us...

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