It is that scheduling time of year and I am curious .... how many schools are still offering "computer" classes? Are classes and tech integrated so classroom teachers are teaching computer use? Or, do you have specific courses? Both? Who teaches what and during which grade levels?
If anyone is still teaching programming, I would love to know what you are teaching ... thanks
The only time we taught programming at Laporte was six years ago. I taught it as part of an "Introduction to Computer Science" class. Four students were in the class 1st semester, and two finished 2nd semester. So, with lack of demand, we've never offered it since. (I've tried to survey students a few times, but no one has ever been interested.)
In the class, I did one quarter of programming w/ x86 assembly.
I tried to teach one student Java independently, but he was a bit of an attendance issue, and things really didn't pan out in the end.
The closest I've come to since with upper-level computer classes (business classes involving MS Office asside) would be students volunteering to assist me with my tech duties one hour of the day (called "Independent Service Learning").