North by Northwest School Technology Group

Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota

I have completed the survey and would like everyone to take a few minutes to fill it out.  I have done my best to make this anonymous.  I will keep the survey open this week and then provide the results to the group.  I will be providing the raw data to the group so that each of you can determine what information is important to you in your situation.


The survey is found at


Thanks for you help!


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Would you like me to send this out to my NW-LINKS Tech Coordinator list - it would expand the responses beyond our Northwest group.


Just let me know.



Absolutly!  The more reply's the better.  Thanks

Mary Mehsikomer said:



Would you like me to send this out to my NW-LINKS Tech Coordinator list - it would expand the responses beyond our Northwest group.


Just let me know.



When I submitted my results, I was confused by the lack of some sort of "submission confirmed" message.  I may have submitted it twice.  Was there supposed to be one of those messages, or not?
I filled out the survey and possibly also submitted it twice

We received a total of 25 responses.  The data is available here in spreadsheet form.  Thanks to those of you that completed the survey.




Thanks for posting the results.

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