OET is collecting information to leverage aggregate technology purchases for the end of the year for K-12 education, higher education, and state government. Please see note below from OET and respond to the survey by May 19 if you are interested. I am attaching an electronic copy of the survey to this bulletin so you can see what they are seeking.
Dear Technology Procurement Official,
With the tremendous budget pressures facing government entities across Minnesota, the State Office of Enterprise Technology Buy-IT program is gathering information that could be used to reduce the cost of certain high demand technology equipment you intend to purchase this spring. By "aggregating" the immediate state-wide purchasing volume, vendors are likely to reduce their prices, thus saving you money! In 2008, an aggregation for K-12 schools and districts was extremely successful in reducing prices.
If you are interested in participating, we’re asking you to answer a short survey of 10 questions on the estimated number of specific product units your government organization is planning on purchasing prior to the end of the 2011 state fiscal year (i.e., June 30). This will identify the volume opportunity and allow us to negotiate pricing.
To complete the survey, you will need to have on-hand estimates of the type, brand/vendor, and number of desktops, laptops, and tablets/slates you intend to purchase between May 25 and June 30, 2011. To help you prepare, specific information on the products available through this aggregation, including product specifications, is available
here (
http://www.oet.state.mn.us/itproducts/hardware/standards/survey/ind...). A hard copy of the survey is also attached to this email to help you prepare. With this information available, the survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes.
Once you are ready to enter your information in the survey, click
here (
To participate and take advantage of the reduced pricing that result from this one-time aggregation, you must complete the survey. The survey must be submitted by Thursday, May 19.If you have any questions, please contact me at
Michael.Muilenburg@state.mn.us or 651-556-8005.
Thanks for your participation!