North by Northwest School Technology Group
Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota
Time: December 20, 2011 from 10am to 3pm
Location: NWSC Ofice
Street: 114 West 1st Street
City/Town: Thief River Falls
Website or Map:…
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: Brian Norman
Latest Activity: Dec 27, 2011
The agenda for the meetings is as follows:
10:00 Moodle Installation and Administration.
Brian & Ben will install the newest version of Moodle (2.2) and demonstrate the new interface.
12:00 Lunch
12:30 TIES Discussion.
Everyone that attended TIES should be prepared to talk about sessions they attended. We will use the TIES WIKI to provide resources.
3:00 Adjourn
Northwest Service Cooperative
Technology Meeting
December 20, 2011
Brian Norman, Troy Reynolds, Waubun School District; Barb Nelson, Northwest Service Cooperative; Mary Muller, Walker School; Yvonne Halverson, Lu Larson, Fertile/Beltrami School; Germaine Carriere; Greenbush/Middle River/Karlstad School Districts; Steve Strutz, RLCC; Ben Dahlin, Mahnomen School; John Rikhus, Ada School; Jamie Lunsetter, Stephen/Argyle School; Kevin Weber, Crookston School; Rod Stark, Kittson Central School.
10:00 Moodle Installation and Administration.
4 districts have Moodle up and running and 2 are thinking of or in the process of implementing it.
Brian & Ben will install the newest version of Moodle (2.2) and demonstrate the new interface.
Brian went through the initial setup.
Windows/Linux/Max (can be set up using any type of server) using VM Ware
Final result of installation demo… We should have installed it on Windows.
Advantage of Moodle 2.2 over 1.9 – More Options, new interface, Google Docs Integration.
Sharing session on how staff uses Moodle. Hosting lesson plans, Moodle in Google Docs, Calendar. Some schools use Moodle to publicize their lesson plans.
12:00 Lunch
12:30 TIES Discussion.
Brian shared the TIES Wiki
Everyone that attended TIES should be prepared to talk about sessions they attended. We will use the TIES WIKI to provide resources.
Kevin – Google/Google Chrome – My Big Campus
Mary – ebooks – Surprised by amount of ebook content/resources available. Macken will help schools set up an ebook site for free –
Make sure if you purchase econtent you have lifetime tights and simultaneous use permit
Kindle/Nook/Netbook were discussed.
Troy – Using Google Docs and Moodle to teach collaboratively
Brian – Building a Broadband Highway that leads to opportunities – NESC and SW/WC Service Cooperative programs were discussed. NESC received a 40 million dollar grant to provide fiber to all members.
Invite Bob Wheeler to next meeting to discuss Northwest Links and what it can do for the members.
Ben – Too Many Hats? Life in Educational Technology Support.
Memo group was discussed.
Little Falls will be holding an iPad session in February. Apple is holding a session on Janurary 24th.
Student Information Systems – JMC, Genesis, Skyword, Infinite Campus are all being used in our region.
Lou – Calling all Researchers –
Diigo – Central Bookmarking site
Prezi –
MN Hybrid Pilot Project
Ben is looking for a P.A. system or replacing part of his system. These vendors were discussed
Tri-Corn Audio
Garden Valley
Ben is also looking for tables and chairs for a lab
Ncomputing – N350 seems to be working?
Testing was discussed.
Next meeting is January 17, 2012
3:00 Adjourn
I am sorry, I have to visit the dentist in the morning! If you have any handouts, please send them my way!
Thanks, and Happy Holidays to all of you!
I have a Superintendnet's meeting at Lakes Country Service Coop tomorrow, or else I would be in attendance. If you have any questions or need any information form me, please feel free to contact me at any time. Merry Christmas!
LCD Monitor size in labs.
Computer lab furniture and chairs.
PA Systems, wireless?, any good companies?
I will not be able to make it on the 20th...we are touring schools that have remodeled older buildings like ours. Sorry to have to miss this one. Happy Holidays to everyone and I'll see you at the next meeting!
Please add any other discussion items by commenting below and we will add them to the agenda.
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