North by Northwest School Technology Group

Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota

I was really enjoying the free recycling pickups that we had in the summers of '09 and '10.  Now we've had two years without them.  Are there any free eWaste recycling programs going on this summer?

Stephen Lien, Laporte School District

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I've been told Apple is doing it again, but I haven't seen any official word or details from them yet.


Yes, Apple is doing free recycling again. E-mail to get set up.

I am checking with Jolynn, I will let you all know.


I just received this reply from Jolynn at Apple.


Hi Barb,


Apple will be offering our Free Recycling For Education Program again this year. The launch date is yet to be determined. An email will be sent announcing the launch date. As in the past, online registration will be available at that time.



Best Regards,


Jo-Lynn Carter

Office: 408-974-4996

Fax: 408-862-0093

If you would like to get rid of them sooner, I'll take computer towers, cords, mice, etc for free.  I will even come pick them up so there is no need to pallet and shrink wrap the junk.  I provide documentation that everything has been recycled properly.  The only thing I ask is that there is 30-40 or more computers in the pick-up pile.   

Thanks for looking into that, Barb.  I'm upgrading a computer lab and was really hoping that we wouldn't have to add 30 eMacs to the pile of junk that's already been accumulating over the last two years.  I'll keep watching this thread then for an email update from Jo-Lynn.


Stephen, did you see hte comment from Ben Dahlin?

We have really missed it, too!  Thankfully, the site is up and registration is open until August 31, 2012.  Here is the url:


Thanks Lynn


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