North by Northwest School Technology Group

Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota

Hi all, maybe everyone else has a handle on this, but I learned something today I though I would share. We tried to do testing this morning with proctor caching and we had two issues. One was a "7037 Internal Communications Error"and the other was a "blocked plugin" message. Both occurred randomly after the students logged in to the test and the test tried to launch. Out of 29 machines, 2 students successfully got to the test.  After talking to Pearson and making sure "drop box" was not on the machine and itunes was not trying to load and adobe and java were up to date, the Pearson tech then asked "And the account they are logging in with in an admin on that machine, correct?"  It wasn't. So I changed changed the login itself on the macs to be an admin, but I also went into open directory and gave the account full admin rights to the server the proctor cache is running on. And Boom!!! all machines getting to the test. When I now do a system check to see how many tests I can run concurrently it says I am now able to test 1320 students for the science test (it had been 80).  Just had to share, I might be behind everyone else in figuring this out already, but just in case.  

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Thank you for throwing this on the table!!  Good luck with the round of testing!!

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