North by Northwest School Technology Group

Technology for 21st Century Learners in Northwest Minnesota

We have a staff member that has been using a email account for some time and does not want to give it up.

Our domain uses and she has a  Any way of adding that into our Group list???



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If you figure this out please let me know.  I'm having the same issue.



Does the staff member also have a school account, or is her personal gmail account also used for the school?
No school account.  For instance, school board members that have a personal or work account they want to use.

Just trying to clarify the terminology and what you want to do:

Are you looking to add this account to your DOMAIN or to a GROUP in your DOMAIN?


If you want to add to your domain that is not possible as far as I know


If you are looking for to be able to still receive mail and user@ncw.k12... that can be done via forwarding/routing emails to either account


If you want to add the to a GROUP that also can be done...sharing documents outside of your domain is an issue (might open things up to more people than you'd like)


I would suggest that you create USER@NCW.K12.MN.US in your Domain and then forward/route email to USER@GAIL.COM (if you want to be nice to the staff member)


Reverse it to drive them to your domain...have them forward/route the email USER@GMAIL.COM to the NCW account...that way they are part of the team.


Same could be done for School Board...etc

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